Monday, May 9, 2011

Body by Vi Challenge - Week 3 Review

Week three and going strong.  It's just not that hard.  I take 3 minutes, throw some stuff in the blender and make a shake.  And I either drink it in the car on my way to the place of the moment or I put it in the fridge and down it for lunch or dinner.  It will never be easier than this.  And for once I don't feel like I'm suffering in the name of weight loss.  It's a beautiful thing.

I'm down 12 pounds in three weeks.  My body maintains for a few days and then woosh, big weight loss. 

I am feeling really "good".  That word doesn't give proper oomph to what I'm feeling.  I feel really "even", an ongoing sense of well-being, more energetic and I feel healthy.  I talked to my family members who are doing the Body by Vi Challenge too and they are reporting the same findings.  Dieting and I'm feeling good... it's a new concept but I'll go with it.  I keep thinking it must not be working because it's too enjoyable and easy.  And yet, it's working. 

I went to the gym only once this week (bad girl) but when I did, a gal I know there immediately said "you're losing weight".  Why yes, yes I am!  Woo hoo!

So far, so good.  I got some other products in my distributor kit and finally curiosity got the best of me and I tried some of them.  Here's how that went down:

1.  NEURO - this is a healthy energy drink.  Only 1 gram of sugar (I think some brands top out at 50+ g, so that's excellent), some caffeine but not as much as the ones on the market.  They say it lifts you up without the "crash" that is associated with other energy drinks.  They say it "clears brain fog". 

I stuck it in a Costco bottled water and shook it up really good.  It comes in lemon or berry flavor.  It tastes like a flavored fitness water or perhaps a Crystal Light.  Pretty good.  I do not drink caffeine at all typically and I don't think I've EVER had an energy drink.  After about 15 minutes, I started to feel little zings of energy and about 25-30 minutes in I felt extremely energetic.  I found my eyes darting about and my mind thinking "I just wanna DO something".  Hee hee.  I didn't notice myself come down from the high energy feeling but at some point I must've.  I never crashed.  It didn't make my heart palpitate like a caffeinated soda usually would.  I would definitely use this during a half marathon (caffeine has been shown to boost athletic performance) and on afternoons when I know I'm going to get sleepy. 

2.  Vi Trim - this is a tasteless powder that is supposed to control hunger.  I don't really have issues with hunger on this shake challenge so far, but I just wanted to see what it would do.  I had a normal food breakfast.  Then I had a nutra-cookie (see #3) and an apple for lunch.  By about 2:00 I was already getting hungry, so I mixed a Neuro and threw some Vi Trim in there.  I was still hungry at 2:20 but then all of a sudden I wasn't.  I decided to just wait it out and see at what point I would want dinner, which was to be my delectable chocolate peanut butter shake.  I had to work late that night so I figured I would probably drink my shake at around 7.  I found myself driving home at 9pm and realizing I never drank my shake!  Still not hungry!  I did drink it anyway just because I probably should eat something, but I was impressed at how un-hungry I was. 

3.  Nutra-Cookie - I'm having a love affair with the Nutra Cookie.  This actually didn't come in the distributor kit, but I know myself well enough to know that any cookie is a friend of mine so I ordered some to sample at parties and well, let's be honest, EAT.  It comes in Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal Raisin, and Peanut Butter.  It's 150 calories.  I could eat it plus an apple for lunch and feel satisfied.  They are delicious.  They are super nutritious with ingredients such as broccoli sprout concentrate, brussel sprout powder, raspberry powder, etc etc.  You can't taste these in there, swear!  It tastes like a healthy cookie.  A smidge earthy, but very good overall.  I heart the nutracookie and it saves me on days when I need to have a shake but have nowhere to store it until I'm ready for it. 

One last thing I'm noticing on the shakes, they are taking away my insatiable sweet tooth.  I think because they are sweet tasting, I find myself not so preoccupied with finding sweet things to get into around the house.  This is a very good thing. 

Bring on week 4!

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