Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Road to Portland is Paved in Sweat

Well, it is.  I worked out really really hard the week before last.  I did Group Ride (spinning class) on Monday and found myself to be quite the beast in that class.  I had reserves of energy and, coming off of last Winter when I kind of "burned out" on all levels, it was really nice to feel energetic while exerting so much effort.  I used to always feel depleted during those classes.  I did a vigorous step class, I ran hills and found my energy levels just kept on keepin' on.  I know this improved vitamin intake and nutrition has got to be a key for me.

My weight didn't change this week but then all of a sudden I could wear a pair of capri pants that last week wouldn't close.  So, the shift is still happening.

I found a link online.  See what Dr. Oz says about drinking a shake for breakfast:

I don't know about you, but boosting my metabolism up to 25% has got to be a good thing, especially with weight to lose.  Besides, I'm feeling downright sprite these days.  I pop up out of bed in the morning, I'm in a really decent and even mood all day long, I don't slump in the afternoons, I have energy when I workout, I'm more productive and feeling light and healthy inside. 

I didn't really do anything exotic with my shakes this week.  Same ole, same ole's, but that works just fine for me. 

This most recent week I wasn't so on track.  My workouts were few and far between, and we ate out a lot.  Tons of social engagements and I was lazy and didn't plan as well as I should for that.  My weight is the same, but that's my fault, not the shakes!  It's a helper, not a miracle! 

I went to the grocery store and got some healthful things for noshing this week.  I'm also T-minus two weeks out from a swimsuit wearing opportunity (opportunity just does not capture the dismay running amuck in a swimsuit in public places brings about, but I try to be optimistic).  So the next two weeks I am upping myself to two shakes a day and then a normal dinner.  If I have a heavy workout planned though, I will eat a normal breakfast and do a shake as post-workout. 

I also have a date on Tuesday with "THE BOD POD".  The name must've scared people silly, because my gym now changed it to be called "True Analysis".  Whatever.  It's a "Beam Me Up, Scotty" type of pod you sit in and it scans you and tells you how fat you are.  And what makes it even better, is you have to either wear a swimsuit or a spandex bodysuit to get the test done.  Gee, can't wait.  There was also a rumor circulating that they manned the pod with a dashing young man which made both bodysuit and knowledge of fat levels very uncomfortable for us gals.  I did a little fact finding and found out a girl would be beaming me up on Tuesday.  I'm subjecting myself to this potential trauma because I want to really track my progress as I get further into the Body by Vi Challenge.  I want my changes to be lasting and lifelong and to support the active lifestyle I want to get back.  Not deplete me like my former diet did and get me totally off track.  If I plan to run 26.2 miles in October, I need to be feeling great, not void like I did last year.

I'll post again on Tuesday night so you know how my pod experience turned out.  Beam me up!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing awesome! Keep up the good work Melissa! :) Hopefully one day I can be like Melissa ;)
