Saturday, November 13, 2010

An Apology and a Fresh Start

Well, I've done exactly the thing I hate about the blogs I've been excited about.  They just stop.  They get this momentum happening that is exciting and fun and I tune in each week to catch up on the latest and bam.  Nothing.  Cyber-abandonment.  It's irritating and I've gone and done it to you. 

All I can say is I'm sorry and I won't do it again.  I'm going to find regular, reoccurring time to carve into my busy life that makes my blog a part of it.  Because I love my blog.  It's therapeutic and helps me get back to the task at hand.  And I appreciate the feedback my readers have given me thus far.  I know to varying degrees, we are all in this together.  There are parts of a woman's cuh-razy mind that are universal. 

So, let me give you the catch-up:  I stopped the Courthouse Nutrition Plan.  It was nothing personal.  Financially, I needed to cut the $50 a month.  But it wasn't exactly a hard breakup.  After six weeks my weight was virtually the same and although it looked like my body fat percentage was starting to decrease, I just felt like my caloric intake was still up in the air and that at times, my NT was as baffled by me as I was with myself.  Lots of people exercise a lot.  Lots of people try to lose weight.  They see this more than anyone else I know.  So why were my calorie needs a mystery?  I've met some other people at the gym that have had really great results and others who are in my boat.  I guess it is just like anything else - if it works for you, it's golden.  If it doesn't, there IS something out there that will.  Ya just need to find it.

I did learn from it that I need to consume more calories.  Especially if I want to run half marathons and take vigorous classes and weight lift and do all the things I wanna do physically.  No 1200 calories plans for this girl. 

So, my search continues.  In the process I've found a few things that are helpful.

1.  I went on vacation and literally all bets were off.  No structured workouts - instead I swam in a resorty swimming pool and walked beaches.  It was lovely.  My eating went from clean to very, very dusty to extremely filthy.  It tasted great but for the first time, I felt icky from it.  And the changes that type of eating makes to my body are almost immediately noticeable and I felt icky about that too.  For once, it wasn't worth it to eat whatever my heart desired.  Hmm.  Interesting.  The quote "it doesn't taste as good as being fit feels" rang true for the first time. 

2.  My interest in weightlifting and now leaning down with diet inevitably lead me to the website  I feel that this website is brimming with my peeps and their generous offerings of experience and advice.  It's nice to have a forum of people that subscribe to the same set of guidelines I am applying to myself to achieve the same general form of physique.  A bodybuilder's lifestyle I have apparently gravitated toward and am comfortable living.  Who the heck knew.

On this site is an area called "Bodyspace".  Kind of a MySpace for fitness types.  I ran across a profile called "chickentuna".  This gal has an awful lot of people who are inspired by her and the name is actually what led me to check her out.  I instantly thought of Jessica Simpson and her "Chicken of the Sea" debacle.  But this lady named herself this because she eats super clean and people razz her all the time for eating tuna and chicken a lot.  Her website is currently my motivation.  I don't want to be as extremely lean as her.  I actually am shooting for a lean physique but with a layer of softness still on it.  But what motivates me is she speaks the cold, hard, ugly truth:  If you eat crap, your body will look like crap.  It's true and the closer I get to being lean, the more I realize how much it's true.  It's disappointing as all get out, but true nonetheless.  People who say it's just calories in and calories out and it doesn't matter what the calories are composed of are dead wrong.  Try it, you'll see.  Anyway, I find that all I have to do is say to myself "chickentuna" and I've got some much-needed motivation in times of trial (which are often these days).

3.  Jamie Eason.  God Bless Jamie Eason.  She's a hot chick with a bodybuilder lifestyle and she offers up all kinds of advice for living the life.  Her recipes and tips are saving me.  And because she walks around looking like my idea of physique perfection all days of the year, I trust what she says much more than someone who looks nothing like "goal" but claims to know what they are talking about.  I just read an interview with her recently and uncovered another ugly truth: she states that to really get that impeccable, lean body, you really can't schedule in "cheat meals/treats".  It needs to be pretty much never that you indulge.  I needed to hear that because unfortunately I am one of those people that suffers from every cheat meal/treat I eat.  I just don't have the bodily resiliency to have it not metabolize into a big old mess onto all of my hard work.  It's also a huge letdown of truth, but I needed to have it spelled out for me.  That is not to say I will never eat crap food ever again, but I can't sit here and complain about lack of results if I'm eating whatever I want 2 out of 7 days each week.  The silver lining is the more I eat clean, the more I truly enjoy some of these clean foods and it actually isn't grueling to eat like this anymore.  I think the key is to just keep consistently doing it and it becomes your "new normal".  The reset button we try to do with crash dieting but don't do it right or give it enough time to stick.

Anyway, officially today I'm back on track.  As I tell my husband "it's me and chickentuna against the world".  Maybe not, but it sure sounds good.  :)

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