Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where's My Mojo?

I have a problem.  I'm in a rut.  Since about Labor Day-ish.  I woke up one morning without my Mojo.  My usual moxy - sunny attitude, lots of smiling and laughing, oodles of self confidence (or contentment at least), gazelle-like intensity in my work, at the gym and in life in general.  .

Sad thing is I've yet to find it.  What the heck happened to it?  How do you just lose your mojo?  Perhaps if I knew I would know how to get it back. 

I knew something was wrong during my last half marathon.  About 10 miles in I literally couldn't figure out what I was doing there.  Not a disoriented demented sort of a deal but literally like, what is the purpose of all this?  It was hard for me to finish that race.  I blew it off as we all get our mental "walls" during things like that and I figured that was mine.  But it's crept into pretty much everything.  Now my eating wants to slide, I'm tempted to blow off the gym.  This is how people gain their weight back so easily.  So quickly.  How does the momentum shift so suddenly and with such force?

The key is to not numb myself to the frustration that is a lost mojo.  I think that is what happens.  I tune it out and wake up 50 pounds later only to be shocked and disappointed at what I let happen to myself.  I'm not going there again.  But I have got to figure out a way to stop the slide. 

So, the reward signs are posted and the hunt for the mojo is on.  In the meantime, I am literally writing myself a prescription for a clean diet and exercise.  A holding pattern until I have the resources to charge ahead again.  Get through it and trust the mojo is doing an Eat, Pray, Love sort of a deal and is coming back, better than ever. 

If you see it, send it home, would ya?

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