Monday, July 26, 2010

Courthouse Nutrition Plan - Week Three Summary

7/26-8/1, 2010
Week Three Summary

I likey the plan this week. A sigh of relief. Makes it so much easier!

My grocery bill was a fortune. Partly because they are giving me large quantities of food to eat (thank you) and if hubby wants to eat it too, then we are buying lots of food. Also, Zone Perfect bars are expensive. Not in the context of it being a "meal". But when you buy a case of 15 of them, then they appear expensive. 18 bucks on bars. Yikes.

The crux of the plan:

Meal 1 - Eggs/egg whites, Cheerios & skim milk, cantaloupe. The quantities are ginormo and I am so appreciative for it!

Meal 2 - an apple with a peanut butter/cottage cheese dip recipe. I don't really care for it, but it's edible.

Meal 3 - TWO turkey sandwiches and some grapes. Yeah baby.

Meal 4 - string cheese, almonds, peach

Meal 5 - a mish mash of potato, ground turkey, salsa, broccoli - their recipe that actually was much better than it sounds. Even hubby liked it and that is saying something.

Meal 6 - Greek "yogurt" and fruit

Day 1 - Breakfast was daunting. That is an awful lot of food. I'm happy though because tomorrow I have a huge workout day and this will be great fuel. I somehow inhale it all, no problem. My snack seemed tiny in comparison to breakfast and I got hungry quickly after that one. Lunch, even though it sounds big, wasn't really and hungry again. Afternoon snack, still hungry. Dinner was tasty and filling.

I have a two week check-in with my NT on Wednesday and at that time I will ask her to gauge how hungry I should be. I doubt this is the norm for most people on the plan, because as far as diet plans go, they are extremely generous with food choices and portions. I am sure my exercise interferes with the hunger piece and this is exactly the issue that brought me to this program to begin with. I am stubborn and won't budge on the exercise, so she will just have to help me figure it out.

Day 2 - I'm hungry.  Again.  What gives?!?!  I can't do it.  No.  I can do it.  But not this way.  I broke the diet.  I ate until I wasn't hungry and maybe a little more.  I'm definitely not on the plan.  When I email that I'm hungry, they tell me to eat.  But, if I was able to make smart choices on quality and portion control on my own, I wouldn't be paying them to tell me what to put in my mouth.  Spinning out of control...

Day 3 - Still out of control.  I'm off the diet.  Well, I'm on it until about 11.  Then it's fair game.  And I have a "check in" with my NT tonight.  Super.  I don't want her to think I'm not on the plan just because I'm weak.  I'm willing and able to do this but I'm HUNGRY.  Gosh darnit.  Help a girl out. 

Day 4 - The meeting last night was a disaster.  I met up with her, we checked in my friend as my "buddy" on the plan (which saves us both a little $$).  She asked if I brought my journal. I intentionally didn't.  First, because I've been very poor at keeping it up. Secondly, because if she's seen the magnitude of my ricochets from the hunger, well, that's just embarassing.  I told her "I got it" and blew her off.  Whew.  Crisis averted.  I did not know she planned to weigh me in tonight.  Had I known that I would have never agreed to a night appointment.  Dunno about you, but the minute I put food or drink into my body upon waking, my weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds above my morning weight.  This does not help my off-the-plan case.  I weighed in 2 lbs. more than when I started.  I explained my bloating issue and even though it has some merit, felt my words were so apparently a cover-up for my non-plan ways that I felt that they thought I was making excuses.  Perhaps I was.  She decided to forego my stats for the evening due to the bloated spectacle I had made of myself and we would reassess me at a later date.  Whew.  Gotta take this gimme as a sign to get back on track NOW.    I ate the plan today like a good girl, but the rabid cheetah is lurking in the background.  This defies logic.  How on Earth is 2,300 calories not enough?

Day 5 - I'm on the plan today, but I've got the weekend starting tonight, and well, by now you know that weekends are not my shining moments of dietary goodness.  Plus, I have only a 5 mile run this Sunday which means not as much wiggle room on the eating.

Day 6 - Off the plan, off the plan.  Hungry + Eating Out Lifestyle = No Plan

Day 7 - More off the plan drama.  I want so much to be on the plan.  But I can't take the rabid cheetah.  Feed me, Seymour.

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